AsSalamuAlikum Warhamto Allahi Wabarakatohu Everyone,
Egypt, It is well known for their Qur'aa [Those who recite the Quran] - Im sure most of us have heard the recitation of Shaykh Minshawy and Shaykh Abdul Baasit. In this episode we will meet a young man who's Egyptian but this young man isn't like everyone else... he's one of Allah miracles. I personally cried when I watched this episode... I realized my lack towards the Quran, especially knowing the Health Allah blessed me with. Indeed we lack so much towards the worship of Allah and yet the most merciful is still showering us with his blessings.. may Allah increase us in goodness towards Him.
One thing that amazes me about this show, it surprises me with something new EVERY episode... whether its the stories the shaykh shares with us, or the individuals we meet.
Here's episode number 12
12th Episode الحلقه ١٢
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Twitter: @umtayymiah